Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Congrats to the new sisters of Pi Delta Pi

We are very happy to announce the crossover of pledge line "Confidently Conceited". We really have grown to love you ladies and have formed a great bond with you as you have formed a lifelong bond with each other. You ladies are wonderful and we believe you will be a wonderful asset to our sisterhood. We are sisters for life. As it was previously stated, "Congrats to the newest sisters of Pi Delta Pi. We love you ladies. Welcome to the family. Not gonna lie to you, we gonna fight, argue, and get on each other's nerve because we are women and that's what we do. But to be able to come back and apologize and talk it out makes us sisters. So if any person or group tell you they are drama free they are lying because women are not drama free but a real woman knows how to reconcile the situation and move forward. SKKKKEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEE WOOT WOOT!"

Congrats to our sister Snowangel AKA Big Sister Creativity for her upgrade to Lady N Waiting. You worked hard, gave much dedication and love and most of all showed what sisterhood meant. You deserve your upgrade.