Monday, September 5, 2016

How I Feel as A New Member

I am very excited to be starting something I feel would be a long term.  Started  out  a  little  overwhelming when you get the  laws  laid  out, but  I can understand why  though. If you want to  have  something  in order, you got to have your  stuff together  as well. So as  long  as we living  by that, then  this is definitely going to be a good thing.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What My Sister Myself Means to Me!

It is a bond between women a sisterly bond, a bond though not by blood it is a bond stronger than blood because we are not forced into sisterhood, we chose it. My sister's are to be upheld as I'd uphold myself. We are a unit, we are one when together a force to be recon with. When my sister's are hurt I will shed tears, feel her pain as it was my own. Her battles will not be her own, they will be ours. My sister is me as I am her.. Αδελφή

Saturday, July 2, 2016


My Sister Myself>>>>>>>

This statement can be summed up in very few words, to me this means i treat my Soro sisters as i want to be treated, with respect, My Sister Myself is the epitome of Pi Delta Pi, We are a Sorority that is all about sisterhood, bonding, learning each other, being ONE, My Sister Myself to me means we are ONE, sHE is Me and I am Her, whatever you or say, how ever you act towards my sister, you act the same way toward me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What My Sister as Myself means to me

What My Sister as Myself means to me is, Protecting and Loving
My Sister in the same Light as I do myself. I will honor and uplift my
sisters in every way. I will always cherish them because They are a part of

Saturday, June 25, 2016

What My Sister As Myself Means to Me

What my sister as myself means to me is being supportive of each other, unconditional love, being kind and standing together, fighting together. Since the beginning of time woman of empowerment have always supported one another. In recent years, I believe we have lost sight of that. But there are still a few of us who try to keep that light shining in all of us.  We as woman, each of us are beautiful in our own way.  The picture I have posted shows that strength. As black woman we need to get back to that.  In our Sorority I believe we have the strength, love, unity, courageousness, morality, confidence, faith and assurance.  WE ARE THE WOMEN OF PI DELTA PI!!!

Posted by Big Sister Passionate AKA Lolo
My sister as Myself means to me that we are to look at our sisters as we look at ourselves. we are one. we stand together. How ever i carry myself I carry my sister the same way. we are diamonds, we are the best.

Friday, June 24, 2016

my sister poem by big sister Inspiration

i love my sisters siara mantha

What " My Sister as Myself" mean to me...

"My Sister as Myself" means a group of females that are unified as sisters. Sister whom treat each with respect and honor. Sisters who are loyal to one another and can be trusted with intimate details of each other. Who always treat each other as we would want to be treated.

Big Sister Sophisticated
Pi Delta Pi Queen

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My Sisters

is so many things...
It's a warm smile on a cold and rainy day
a friendly hug, a cheerful hello.
It's baking cookies together.
It's get better cards when you are sick.
It's "Just because I love you" presents.
It's a phone call just to make you smile!
It's all that a good and lasting friendship is,
only better!
It's treasured. It's sacred.
It's knowing that there will always
be someone there for you, no matter what.
It's dreams shared, and goals achieved.
It's counting on others, and being counted on!
~ Anonymous


My Sisters.

My sisters I just can’t live without
Sometimes they bug me
Sometimes they hug me
Before as children we use to play
Today we have our own ways
I will always have a big sister
I will always have a little sister
Although sometimes I wish I was an only child
I don’t know what I would do without my sisters
Having sisters means I will always have a friend
As I look back on memories of my life
I remember my sisters and all the times we had together
As I look up to my older sister
My younger sister looks up to me
Through good times and bad
We will always stick together
I love my sisters dearly and
I could not see my life without them

Big Sister Sophisticated

Tia Syn Sofin3

Saturday, April 30, 2016

My favorite thing to do in second life and why I log in so much.

My favorite thing is being with my husband and family.  I love the time that we share and it's exciting and fun and is also a detour from real life.  The amazing thing about second life is the fact you can do so many things you cannot do in real life.

I enjoy, the soro and the closeness that we all have within the soro.  The friends I have met throughout the years on second life have been absolutely amazing. Some have come and some have gone, but the ones that have stayed, were worth it.  What keeps me logging on is the family values, love and loyalty.

Second life is surely what you make it.  It can have some drama, but that also passes.  Everything is always exciting in second life and know matter how much drama happens on this game, I still enjoy coming back to it always.

Big Sister Passionate

My Favorote think about SecondLife and why I choose to log on as much as I do!

I enjoy having a husband and family, the closeness that we share. I enjoy the adventures the things I am unable to do in real life. Everyone is not fortunate enough to have some of the things we can have here in real life, SL creates that for us. I love being apart of something since real life I am more of a homebody. I enjoy being in a soro having the Sisterhood, in real life I never was able to have that experience. SecondLife has been a blessing as well as a curse but I have yet failed to log on. So I will continue my SL jouney and see where it leads me.

Big Sister Sophisticated

Tia Syn Sofin3

What is my favorite thing about second life? Why do I decide to log into this game as much as I do?

My favorite thing about sl is that it is something for people to do who has nothing to really do.  Those who may be sick or whatever their reason is it gives them a chance.  People who can not have kids they can come here and have kids.  I enjoy the game because I have a great family and sorority sisters.  When I may just wanna escape from RL I can always find some to do in-world to keep my mind free.  No matter what time you log into sl you can find some type of event or some to do.  Its just a fun place to be to me ♥

Friday, March 4, 2016

A Pledge to My Sisters!

I pledge my loyalty and to be the best sister I can be. I know dealing with me at times can be frustrating, just know its all done out of love; tough love and its geniune. I am proud to be on this journey with you ladies and there are no better sisters than you. I pledge to do what is needed of me to ensure the success of PDP. {{ SHOUT OUT!! To them Pretty Girls}}
I pledge to my new sisters Loyalty, Respect and Dependence. I pledge to have each and every one of my sisters back. i pledge to help them enjoy our sister hood. I pledge to never turn my back on them as well as Give them my most humble opinions. I pledge to get to know each one of them individually as well as a group. I am my sisters keeper! SMiles
"My sister as Myself"

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Do I Pledge To The Sorority????

Since joining Pi Delta Pi, I have learned many things, people come and they go, They take the Oath, and apparently it really does not mean anything to them. Now saying that, I realize this is a SL Soro, but the Loyalty, and Respect should remain the same. With that being said::: I Pledge to my Sorority, that I will always try my best to be present at all events, ( If rl work permits), I promise to never tell the secrets of the Sorority, what happens in our soro, remains in our soro. I also Pledge that if a sister ever needs to talk, needs advice, or an opinion, that i will be there for them. I pledge my Loyalty to my sorority Pi Delta Pi, this is where i joined, for specific reasons, and this is where I shall stay.
                                                                                             Pi Delta Pi for Life
                                                                                           Big Sister Buckwild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Pledge To My Sisters

I pledge to be the best sister ever!  I will do whatever is needed to make Pi Delta Pi one of the best sororities on the grid.  I love my sisters and I am excited to be able to share this journey on the grid with them.  Be on the look out for March events from Pi Delta Pi{Sorority of Pretty Girls} and remember it is NEVER too late to become a Pi Delta Pi Sister ♥