Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thank You!

I want to say a huge thank you to my sisters who have been so supportive  over the last few weeks while   I dealt with the passing of  my aunt.  I appreciate all of the  kind words that you wonderful ladies shared with me,  it renewed my strength and I was able to get through the funeral.  Though it wasn't for a good cause it was nice to be back home in Paradise, but its even nicer to be back and getting back into the swing of things.  I appreciate each and every one of you!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

You are my Sister

by soror rachelle guillory a sister lends an ear chastises, with love, when needed understands, when others fail to doesn't hastily judge YOU ARE MY SISTER a sister agrees, disagrees as well wipes a tear, sheds one too but love prevails and abides in the end YOU ARE MY SISTER a sister supports you despite your shortcomings can apologize for her inadequacies - most importantly a sister forgives and gives love, which is the greater of these yes, YOU ARE MY SISTER


This is a lovely poem I want to dedicate it to my PDP Sisters: by Paula Marshall Distinctive, devoted, delightful, dedicated women of distinction, carrying themselves proud yet humble as the young girl is surrounded by the elders, she gazes at these... women of distinction, dreaming that someday she could be like them too honored, revered, cherished and loved, yet with all the love and honoring they receive they carry themselves with more humility than you and me those are the women of distinction they pass through a crowd and stand out only because they know what it is to live with and without they know what it is to work hard without recognition as they rippened on the tree and their flowers bloomed they hung gently from the tree suddenly to be noticed by you and me because that is not what they're all about but because you can't ignore the doctors, the lawyers, the dreamers who live the dream the aspiring women who created hope in us the women who would not stay on the back of the bus the warriors when no one else would fight the leaders when few wanted to follow This is to say thanks to those who made it possible for me to be here today, living my dream among the crop as the cream.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


On Friday July 11th, 2014 at 6 pm SLT

✦.·*:.·:{✦ A Cinderella Ball ✦}:·.:*·.✦
♫♪ d[-_-]b D J Ɛριρнαηу Kυѕнιηgイση ♬ ♪♩♬ ♪♩
At: Sunset Ambiance Island, SL

The Event featured four females...
-Jaylen88 Resident -- Big Sister Out Spoken
-Creamy Mynx -- Co-Founder -- Big Sister Creativity
-Kєlly (Anyah Faith) -- Baby Sister Ecstatic
-Alyssarenebattitude Resident -- Baby Sister Adorable

The PDP Royalty Divas started out with 6 of us ~ -Kaiya (Kaiwiler Resident) -- Big Sister Refined (Unfortunately had a death in her family and had to go out of town) and -Aeryn (AngelZun Resident) -- Big Sister Exclusive (RL work was rescheduled causing her to have to work) ... both were missed deeply.

We all united in our Probate meetings to agree to the Theme, location, Outfits, songs and worked hard to make it all come other. Kudos to my SL Hubby DeeJay Skylar Storm Sr. for letting us open up our home and to him for helping to decorate, shop for some items and for releasing the balloons.

Big thanks to JayLynn Sis for using her chim and being a great choreographer for the dance that we did to the song: "I'm Out by Ciara featuring Nikki Minaj".  Thanks to DJ Epiphany for doing a great job and working well with us.

Yes, the event was filled with beauty, with good music and with sisterly love (there were some behind the scenes glitches but the show proceeded). I am very proud of all the PDP Royalty Divas Probate sisters for representing Pi Delta Pi Sorority in a positive way.

It was heart-warming to see all the PDP Sorors come forth and shine as we did our "Diamond's Up" together.

.....((Click on the pictures to see them larger; just a few glimpses of the wonderful event))....

Much love to all my Sisters in Pi Delta Pi Sorority... Yes I am thrilled to wear "Pink & Silver".
I love our symbols wherein the diamonds in the Crown represent the gems that each of us are in one glorious Crown.

♦ Big Sister Creativity ♦
aka Creamy Mynx-Storm in SL
Pamela Honey-Storm in Facebook

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Dedication to My Family

Human Family

by Maya Angelou

I note the obvious differences
in the human family.
Some of us are serious,
some thrive on comedy.

Some declare their lives are lived
as true profundity,
and others claim they really live
the real reality.

The variety of our skin tones
can confuse, bemuse, delight,
brown and pink and beige and purple,
tan and blue and white.

I've sailed upon the seven seas
and stopped in every land,
I've seen the wonders of the world
not yet one common man.

I know ten thousand women
called Jane and Mary Jane,
but I've not seen any two
who really were the same.

Mirror twins are different
although their features jibe,
and lovers think quite different thoughts
while lying side by side.

We love and lose in China,
we weep on England's moors,
and laugh and moan in Guinea,
and thrive on Spanish shores.

We seek success in Finland,
are born and die in Maine.
In minor ways we differ,
in major we're the same.

I note the obvious differences
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

Author Notes

© Maya Angelou. All rights reserved.

I read this and couldn't help but think of my sisters.  All different and individuals in our own right, yet we stand for and believe in the same things.  I truly believe that friends are the family that your choose... And I have made the right decision.


Sunday, July 6, 2014


Dedication holds a different meaning to each person who hears it. Dedication is defined as "a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose." This definition explains how dedication can be related to devotion. When one dedicates their self to a cause or event, they are putting time towards it. They are taking time away from a previous event, and putting it towards another. In PDP it is required of all sisters to dedicate ourselves to our sisterhood and events planned by us or another sorority. We pride ourself in the help we can provide for others. Being a part of and organization such as PDP has been a grave honor. Big Sis Sophisticated

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4 of July!

Even though I'm not American, most if not all of my sisters are, so I would like to take the time to recognize and celebrate the significance and importance of this day. Independence day to all Americans represents freedom and equality to all its inhabitants, and who better to celebrate such a commemoration than with a group of beautiful, strong independent and classy sisters! They illustrate the meaning of independence, though we stand and as solid unit, each sister brings her own style, sass and grace to our family which only makes our bond stronger. With each new day we continue to strengthen each other and empower on another building the solidifying the foundation od Pi Delta Pi with love and sisterhood. Its a great day to celebrate a strong heritage that has groomed a group and impressive women, whom I can look up to and strive each day to emulate. Happy Independence day!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2014 Calendar

Mark The Dates!!!!

I find Myself....

It started on this date and with these words:

May 29, 2014

We The Big Sisters of Pi Delta Pi would love to take the chance to welcome out new sisters Pamela Honey-Storm (Big Sister Creativity) and JayLynn Da'Fuquery (Big Sister Out Spoken).. 

I find myself ... here a full month after joining the Pi Delta Pi, Sorority with no regrets. The PDP is all I hoped for and more in a growing & thriving sorority. I have enjoyed the assorted events as well as the weekly meetings to date.

I find myself ... intrigued by the ladies that I now consider and call sisters. I want to get to know you and yours. No not to pry or be nosey ~ nor to be all up in your kool-aid (lol) but simply to forge a stronger bond of friendship. Also, I want to share my little piece of the grid in SL with you. All in good time, I know.

I find myself ... smiling and proud of the accomplishments of the PDP. I know that sometimes the behind the scenes of events look rough around the edges but to the public - we are shining and doing a great job. Hang in there and please continue to be Active as I plan to do and be.

I find myself ... looking forward to the future with my Sisters of PDP. ((Hugs to each sister)).

Heads up & Mark your SL Calendar:
Sisters get ready for another wonderful Probate event on Friday, July 11th, 2014; With all the planning already underway, I think you are going to enjoy it.

~[ Pre and Happy 4th of July to all ]~

♦ Big Sister Creativity ♦
aka Creamy Mynx-Storm in SL
Pamela Honey-Storm in Facebook

What is LOyal ?

What is sisterhood about?

Sisterhood poem

Having a sister in your life can either be a wonderful or terrible experience, depending on your relationship. If you have an older sister and you are a girl, she can often show you how to navigate the way through some of the more difficult areas of growing up. This is also true if you are a boy. Your older sister can help explain to you how to interact with the opposite sex. Younger sisters are a joy as well. They often worship their older siblings and it can be a nice experience to be admired. Relationships with sisters, like any relationship depend on the people involved.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sorority Soliloquy

I’ve heard it said a sorority Is a waste of time; but I know better… For I have seen the love and walked In the splendor of sisterhood… I’ve heard it said that a sorority Is sad; I can’t agree… I’ve heard it said that a sorority Is a dull, selfish place; It can’t be true… I’ve seen the affection, watched it Fill my heart, the very air… And I have learned the Creed Polished and spotless from end to end And I’ve watched the sorority’s Devotion drape each and every active And pledge to look like nature’s Freshly-granted love nourished for growth… I’ve heard it said that a sorority is Harmful, but they are wrong… For I know my sisters…watched them Strive to save a cause, spend of themselves… And I’ve watched them hope, dream, And aspire, side by side… I’ve heard them say these things, But I would disagree… Because for every shadow I have Seen a hundred rays of light… For every plaintive note I’ve Heard the symphony of joy… For every penny-weight of bad, I’ve found a ton of good… Good in nature, in people, in my sorority… I’m thankful I belong. "Sorority sisters are the siblings God forgot to give us."


This poem I found online written by ~Regina Hill describes how I feel about each and everyone of my sisters: I Am Honored To Call You My Sister I know that I can trust you with my most cherished treasures, with my heart and soul, and with every secret I hold. I know that you will listen without criticizing me for my mistakes. You hear what I am trying to say, even when I fail to express myself clearly. I know that I can believe you without worrying that you will mislead me because you are honest with me, even when honesty means disagreement. I know that you will accept me, despite every wrong turn I've made. You simply love who I am. I know that our hearts are connected on the deepest level. You know me so well; Your insight and your view of me make me feel so complete. I know that I am special because you are so special. I am proud of our friendship and the strength we have together. I am honored to call you my sister and fortunate to call you my friend.