Monday, September 5, 2016

How I Feel as A New Member

I am very excited to be starting something I feel would be a long term.  Started  out  a  little  overwhelming when you get the  laws  laid  out, but  I can understand why  though. If you want to  have  something  in order, you got to have your  stuff together  as well. So as  long  as we living  by that, then  this is definitely going to be a good thing.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What My Sister Myself Means to Me!

It is a bond between women a sisterly bond, a bond though not by blood it is a bond stronger than blood because we are not forced into sisterhood, we chose it. My sister's are to be upheld as I'd uphold myself. We are a unit, we are one when together a force to be recon with. When my sister's are hurt I will shed tears, feel her pain as it was my own. Her battles will not be her own, they will be ours. My sister is me as I am her.. Αδελφή

Saturday, July 2, 2016


My Sister Myself>>>>>>>

This statement can be summed up in very few words, to me this means i treat my Soro sisters as i want to be treated, with respect, My Sister Myself is the epitome of Pi Delta Pi, We are a Sorority that is all about sisterhood, bonding, learning each other, being ONE, My Sister Myself to me means we are ONE, sHE is Me and I am Her, whatever you or say, how ever you act towards my sister, you act the same way toward me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What My Sister as Myself means to me

What My Sister as Myself means to me is, Protecting and Loving
My Sister in the same Light as I do myself. I will honor and uplift my
sisters in every way. I will always cherish them because They are a part of

Saturday, June 25, 2016

What My Sister As Myself Means to Me

What my sister as myself means to me is being supportive of each other, unconditional love, being kind and standing together, fighting together. Since the beginning of time woman of empowerment have always supported one another. In recent years, I believe we have lost sight of that. But there are still a few of us who try to keep that light shining in all of us.  We as woman, each of us are beautiful in our own way.  The picture I have posted shows that strength. As black woman we need to get back to that.  In our Sorority I believe we have the strength, love, unity, courageousness, morality, confidence, faith and assurance.  WE ARE THE WOMEN OF PI DELTA PI!!!

Posted by Big Sister Passionate AKA Lolo
My sister as Myself means to me that we are to look at our sisters as we look at ourselves. we are one. we stand together. How ever i carry myself I carry my sister the same way. we are diamonds, we are the best.