Friday, May 30, 2014

What Is Friendship?

Friendship is the bond you make with another human being or a large group of human beings or even an animal. That bond grow each day that you are around the person from experiences you all go threw as a team. Each individual each have there own strengths and weaknesses. As experiences happen each person learns from the other person. As well that as a team where others are weak others are strong.  So when doing a project everyone can work together and work threw it as one. It is like well oiled machine. Each person as the individual can also be comepletely different and come from different back ground.  What makes them unique makes them more special as there friendships blossom with others.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What is Friendship?

Friendship is a relationship be two or more people who care about each other. A friendship is a person who has your back through any situation rather its right up close and personal or from a far. Many qualities are necessary for a good friendship, including honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty and unconditional acceptance. Friends may not always see eye to eye but you know that person loves you and will always be there when you truly need them. A real friend understand that life may take u too in different directions, for example My bestfriend and I use to be on the phone for hours and hours daily, we both are married now and taking of our families. Our friendsip is still very strong doesnt matter we dont get to talk much she knows she cant count on me and vice versa. Its all about understanding and knowing what you have with one another.

Friday, May 23, 2014


I have to say, all of the topics that he have blogged on thus far, tie in together, Friendship being the latest, i must say, being of great importance. Friendship the act of being there for someone at anytime you are needed, and even when you are not, a friend does not wait to be asked for help, if they are a true friend to you, and know you as they should, they can tell by a look on your face, they way you talk, or your actions, that\you are in need of a shoulder, or and ear. Friends uphold each other in good times , bad times, any time, if you are wrong, being your frind, they let you know, if that fit doesn't look right on you, a friend is gonna let you know. a friend will sometimes tell you things you don't want to hear, but then again, being a true friend that is their job You can feel like this is the best thing for me, or this is what i want to do, a friend can look outside the box and be rational, let you know when you are jumping the gun, bring you back to reality, and say, need to think about this...Im other words a friend, a true friend, is the other half of you some consider a sister a true friend, a mate, a high school buddy, a true friend can be anyone, have come in contact over the years, and if if you just met the person, sometimes you just develope a bond, to me friendship means security in the knowledge, that no matter what i do or say, there is gonna be someone that has my back, and we together will create a friendship.........BUCKWILD OUT

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Support is the act of being there for another person. Either from family, friends or a complete stranger you know that you are not alone. During acts of heroism you can receive it from a complete stranger or someone you are close to. It never fails to amaze people and will let a person know what is most important. Support can come from far away or even closer then that. During a conflict you will realize that there are people that can help and want to. As you are not alone. With out support organizations could not function as any way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is Suppor Means to Me- Big Sister Refined

Support to me is an act that helps us uplift one another.It is as simple as being there for one another when times get difficult. Its being a shoulder to cry on when your sister needs comfort. Support is being there when someone needs you and helping in any way that you can. I like to think of support in larger ways too, like supporting a cause. For example, so many people are speaking out about those little girls in Africa who have been abducted. Many people are promoting the hash tag #bringbackourgirls in support of the effort to bring all those little girls back safely. Another kind of support is support for my sisters. Being part of PDP ha quickly shown me all that we do to support one another. Its been a crazy busy week for me, and I have not been able to be around them as much as I would like to, but see all of the wonderful chats and I know that they are all right therefor me if I need them. We are true sisters, with a bond that goes beyond any boarders, and that is true support; to feel the foundation of a relationship despite being far away.

What support means to Big Sister Fashionista...

Support  is an act of loyalty that comes from the heart. Support can come from many places, people or things. You sometime may not find it in the ones that's closest to you. It may come from the least expected place. Most don't know the real meaning of the word. Some people think that just being around you or they will give you the general "Oh how you doing girl?" and don't give a damn how you really doing. Supporting someone or something is big. You must put your all into it. You can't half ass it. If that somebody or something needs you, you gotta be there to hold it down. When I give support I give it my all. My Pi Delta Pi Sisters means the world 2 me and I will always give and show them all my real unconditional support.  

Monday, May 19, 2014


In the dictionary support is to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
With that being said I consider PDP and my sisters my support, I love how we all can be there for each other and want nothing but to help each other do better. We all know that is not an easy characteristic come find around.  We all search for support in our daily lives, whether we like to admit it or not. We want support in our endeavors, support in our relationships, and even support in our decisions. In my opinion, support means to stand by someone in their time of need. Make no mistake about it, everyone needs some support from time to time. Most will say they will support you....until the time comes... I continue to stay thankful for the support that all sisters continue to give me.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

What Is Support?

Support has many meanings, one is to help others in their time of need, lending a helping hand, giving them a shoulder to cry on, financially are to name a few. Being a part of a sororoty we also offer support to other sororites by attending events and/or fundraisers. You can offer support to someone by supporting their decisions, helping in the community by acts of community service, supporting an orgination by approving of their cause and helping to make it a success. Support can be offered also to children in school, boy or girl scouts by helping them with their fundraising events. That is my view on support ...... Big Sister Sophisticated

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Support to me, comes in many forms, you have the kind of support you get from family, friends, loved ones and community, being a part of a soro is also a form of support, it means being thaere for that person, lifting them up when they need you, standing beside them, letting them know that in their time of need, you are there for them, supporting their decision, giving them encouraging words, be them words of wisdom, or just words to help them get through what ever it may be, personal, business, etc, support is also lending a helping hand, doing what ever you can do to help that person, group, family etc. whether it means pounding the pavement for votes, supplying a food dish, giving a monetary contribution, all of these are forms of support. taking time out of your schedule, to ask what do you need, what can i doa?, or how can i help?As i stated in the beginning, support comes in many forms, and i find that slowly but surely the ppl of SL are beginning to support one another, keep up the good work, and keep it moving forward, through supporting as many as you can. BigSisterBuckwild........out

Monday, May 12, 2014

Why I love being a Pi Delta Pi

Joining PDP was the best thing I have done in my sl. Being a Pi Delta Pi  means a lot 2 me. PDP has brought a lot of  new friendships fun, joy, love and happiness to my sl. I have been enjoying my time with my new sisters. I love kicking it with them and getting to know all of their different personalities. I have the most FABULOUS sisters on the planet! I truly value all of my friendships with my sisters. I to have also made new friends with other Greeks. Pi Delta Pi shows me that there is a lot of Greek unity around the grid. I have been able to participate in many charity events in sl. I have a new found respect for all the work and dedication that the Greeks provide in the sl community.

Feed a Smile Event

What I Like Most about being in PDP

What I like most about being in PDP is the sisterhood and the bond that we share. Since being in PDP i have never felt more like a part of a family until i joined this sisterhood.  Love all the ladies in their own individual ways. They all make Sl worth login into each and everyday because they are all  so nice and polite not to mentions a beautiful group of young women with goals and a future thats so bright. I am TeamPrettyGrirlz for life and not only are they my sisters on Sl but i also consider them my sisters in real life forever. Pdp is what a true bond between sisters mean through thick and thin good or bad we are there for each other t share in the joy and the pain. I Love you guys #teamprettygirlz #diamondsup

The Finer Points of PDP

There's a tons of reasons why I love being a PDP sister, but these are just a few. First and foremost, PDP is comprised of a group of women that truly understand the meaning of sisterhood. From the beginning, I was treated as family, and that's something that can be difficult to come by. I don't think a single day has gone by where someone hasn't gotten in my box just to say hi, and that is something that I appreciate more than I could ever express. Also, this is a sorority that has serious structure, which is seldom found. Its not your typical don't give a damn kind of group, we all love being Greeks, and we work hard to maintain this status. We all have tasks to make sure that we remain active members of the sorority, and there is a certain amount of accountability that each of us have, but our time is also respected so there is a good balance between PDP and the rest of our lives.  Oh...and we have badass facebook chats, so regardless of what I'm doing, my sisters are always there with me...sometimes it gives my phone a seizure...but its ok, because I know its my family, and nothing but love :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What i like most being part of PDP.

What I enjoy most about being part of Pi Delta Pi  is the true bond we all share with one another. We are a family brought together by one purpose. The times spent chatting, shopping, planning, exploring, and going to events are the best times. Knowing that we all different and come together and have fun and learn from one another has helped me grow as a person. I know that my big sisters of Pi Delta Pi are my extended family that I would do anything for. I have never been part of any kind of group, family or friends or what have you that have accepted me as a person. And shown me that I can just let lose and have fun and not worry about being judged in any way. I could never see myself be any where but where I belong.

All Black Affair!!!

Hawaiin Luau with the ladies of Zeta!!!

What I enjoy about being a pdp sister

The most important thing to me and reason why I love being in this incredible sisterhood/family is my sisters. I love how close we are and that I can feel comfortable enough to be myself around them. I know being on sl you dont get that often, so I cherish this the most. Everyone wants to feel welcomed and safe somewhere and my sisters and PDP is my safe zone. I found myself a group of women with the same priorities as myself, Trust, loyalty, love, respect, dedication. Our Sorority's principles, suits each and everyone of us. I love that our sorority feels like more than just a sorority/sisterhood but it feels like a family. Family that will be there for each other through thick and thin and that's exactly how I feel about each and everyone of my sisters... Love you guys <3

Mother's Day Brunch!

What I enjoy most about being a part of PDP

I enjoy the close sisterly bond that we share. I am a new member, from my what I have noticed is that we all make sure to speak to each other daily. We work to try and support other sororities at their events, and in doing so we decided on which events to attend and our attire for that event. We all are willing to stand strong for one another in good times and well hard times that we may experiences in life's ventures. We all know how to laugh and enjoy each other as sisters, and yes we know how to have a blast in all we do. The sisters of PDP as participate as a group in decision making, we all have a voice. I believe I made a great decision by joining PDP, and I would advise anyone to become a part of our greatness. We show and outstanding sense of loyalty to one another which makes us even more above the rest.

Big Sister Sophisticated

Friday, May 9, 2014


BUCKWILD HERE, What i like most about being a part of pdp, is the sisterhood that we have, we always make sure to talk to one another everyday, we collaberate on everything, fits, events, the whole nine, I just love that we can get together with no drama. We are all cra cra, so it's a good match, welcome to the new sisters, who fit right in with us, love the way everyone is included in decisions about things. Partying together is the best, hosting events for causes is great, It's just a great soro to be a part of, and i would tell anyone, with the same values to be a part of this group, there is no better group as far as i can see. all of the sisters have a sense of loyalty, that i have not seen, which sets this soro aside from all the rest.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What is loyalty you ASK?

Where do I start with the word Loyalty... So many people swear they are loyal but that breath a lie. Loyalty to me mean everything,. Relationship, Friendship and so much more are build off of that word along. I believe being loyal is important esp when it come to my sisterhood. My loyal to my sister mean everything to me. know that i could trust them and they have my back. Being loyal is a good factor to have about yourself.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Who is Big Sister HollyWood You Ask?

Big Sister Hollywood is a loving caring outgoing person. I am all about being loyal and caring about my love ones. Big Sister Hollywood loves to smiles and enjoy being around loving people. She is known to smile behind her pain. But she can also be very out spoken when needed be. She knows how to stand up for what is right and she stand behind her value. I am not to to put up with bullshit.. or fake people.. my circle is small and i love it that way. I try to surround my self with out going leader people who know where there going. There so much I could tell you about myself. But to know me is to Love and not to know me is to HATE me but only few that come across could say that.

                                    Who is Big Sister HollyWood?
Good morning Sisters I am a little late wring this blog, but here we go, this blog is suppose to be about your Sister Buckwild,,,, well,,, for starters I am a very cool and laid back person, I don't let too many things bother me, i tend to hold in alot of things, I guess being an only child in rl has alot to do with that, I started out not being a very social person, not that i was anitsocial, just that i perferred to sticking to small groups of ppl, i do have to say that being on sl has changed that about me, I am a Taurus, as you all know, thanks again for the party,,,, When Sister Cedes said my name.... was Big Sister Buckwild..... at first i was like huh??? but then i thought about it, and I love it, i do tend to say what's on my mind and tell it like it is, but..... it takes alot to get me to that point, overall I am a nice person, work very hard, and am dedicated to many things. this is Big Sister Buckwild......signing out until next time!!!!!


I'm normally not to good at telling people about myself lol they most likely gonna have to wait and see... But here are some basic stuff, I think it quite obvious that I can be a little crazy, rude, talkative and have an attitude some times but with that there's also kind, trust worthy, respectfully, dependable if i dont forget lol... My main thing is imma treat you how I'm being treated.. I like being around people with the same mentality like I do, I believe I get along better with them but I'm not judgmental so it doesnt really matter. I'm always open to trying new things, and I just went blank.. lol... I love shopping, Talking shit(lol, yup one of my hobbies) but I wish I found more stuff to do on sl.. For now i only shop and club if im not home changing lol..
I try my best to keep it 100% and its a huge deal to me that people do the same. I think im done for now, if i remember anything else ill be back.. lol love you guys...

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Me, Lil Sister Baby

      I am the girl that will make herself look like a fool just to make a friend laugh!

I love to go shopping and explore second life every chance I get. My huge passion though is photography. It is new skill that I have come to enjoy immensely. I love to spend time with my family and friends of second life. I am huge daddys girl and love nothing more then to drive my daddy nuts. Since coming back and being more active with Pi Delta Pi I have become even more happier. I never felt so welcome and cared about by such diverse group of women. SL can be hard place you never know what you will get behind the avatar. I have met some nasty people and I can honestly say that Pi Delta Pi is the best sorority out there with an awesome group of women. I am from north east part of the usa in Connecticut. My RL sometimes gets hectic but I am fully commited to Pi Delta Pi. As I am in SL I am in RL. Family and friends are hugely important to me. In RL I love to read books, take long walks, and hang with my family mainly. I am more social in SL then I am in RL. My family is hugely important to me in RL. I am the baby of three girls I have several nieces and nephews. The things that  bring me joy is my animals. I am a huge animal lover that can not live with out one. I think that is why I try to build a farm on sl too. The one thing you will get from me by talking to me is how important my family and friends and animals are to me.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Getting 2 Know Big Sister Fashionista

There are many things to know about me. I am strong believer in treating folks how you wanna be treated! All about family and my real friends. I love making people smile and feel good about everything, even when they're down. I love being that ray of sunlight that shines bright in their heart. It's all in the name (smiles big) I love to shop til I drop baaaby! I love all kinds of music. I love to throw down in the kitchen. I stay smoking some of that Cali bomb (weed card all day lol). I am a very understanding person. I'm loyal and also can be a lil booshetto (bougie and ghetto) at times but I do have a very classy side to myself lol. There is so much more I could say but as I build my relationships with all my Pi Delta Pi sissys it will show. :)