Monday, May 12, 2014

The Finer Points of PDP

There's a tons of reasons why I love being a PDP sister, but these are just a few. First and foremost, PDP is comprised of a group of women that truly understand the meaning of sisterhood. From the beginning, I was treated as family, and that's something that can be difficult to come by. I don't think a single day has gone by where someone hasn't gotten in my box just to say hi, and that is something that I appreciate more than I could ever express. Also, this is a sorority that has serious structure, which is seldom found. Its not your typical don't give a damn kind of group, we all love being Greeks, and we work hard to maintain this status. We all have tasks to make sure that we remain active members of the sorority, and there is a certain amount of accountability that each of us have, but our time is also respected so there is a good balance between PDP and the rest of our lives.  Oh...and we have badass facebook chats, so regardless of what I'm doing, my sisters are always there with me...sometimes it gives my phone a seizure...but its ok, because I know its my family, and nothing but love :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL sispooh. I am so glad u enjoy the soro. Yasssss our fb chats are the absolutely trusth lol.... mhm fone stay goin off hahahaha <3
